We have a camping quarters trailer and so it is usually already loaded with the basic needs of the camp. It can hold the water for the horses and for our use. We have a port a potty not a regular toilet in the trailer and we have a cowboy shower in the back of the horse trailer. We have a chuck wagon style kitchen for our cooking and it makes it a lot of fun except when it’s raining.
You have to know how long you may be gone and plan from there. You will need feed and hay for the horses, and most places don’t want you to bring in weeds in your hay. Either make sure it is clean hay or that it is all cleaned up when you leave. The hay and grain take up more room than all of our gear.
We always make sure we have vet wrap and fly spray in the tack room along with a variety of cut and heal products for any wounds that might occur. We carry the new rubber shoes for a lost steel shoe. The saddles and saddle blankets, saddle pads and all the reins and bits and bridles are all checked before we leave on a trip, and we usually take an extra one in case one gets broken.
Now, when you get all the horse items done check for your weekend clothes and food for yourselves.
It may rain so you must plan on extra clothes and shoes or boots in case you get wet. Also you might take a sweater or light jacket for cool nights. If you are taking children check for toys and games to help them enjoy the time.
One more thing that we carry is fuel for our generator. We do not always use the generator but if we are gone for a week or so we will use it.
Whew! Now you can go and hopefully enjoy the weekend or the week’s vacation ahead of you.
God Bless and stay in the saddle.
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