Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Help us get our country back to normal

I would like to get this country back to a normal way of living. It can be done if we turn this thing around and get back to the way we used to do business. TRUST in our country and each other. There is a book “The 5000 Year Leap” everyone should read it, and there is a workbook and a movie that can go along with it.

I recommend this for everyone. Any one that wants to get back on track and get our national debt paid down so that our grand children can live peaceably, you need to read this book and act on it.

Go to www.nccs.net and look at it. Most importantly read it when you can.

Get involved with the “tea party”. This is an organization that wants to get the people in government that will work for the values and virtues that are basic and natural laws.

I want to do my part in getting the word out and to get voters to do what is right not what is expected. If you have not been to a tea party meeting I would urge you to get to one in your area.

Freedom- We ought to obey God rather than men. Acts chapter 5:29 This was given to us by God, through his helper Luke.

The first book printed in the American Colonies was “The Bay Psalm Book”. It was the first book written in the colonies.

In recent years many have tried to dismiss the fact that America was founded on the biblical principles of Judeo-Christianity. All the revisionism in the world cannot change the facts. All one has to do is examine the original documents written by our founding fathers. All the works including public statements and personal correspondence, and biographies have an abundance of quotations showing the profound extent to which their lives were influenced by a Christian worldview.

This does not mean that they were all Christians, but that they had one mind set that was influenced by Christian principles.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Camping equipment

It is important to have some good equipment with you when you are camping and just trail riding sometimes. Knives are one of those that come in handy many times. A very handy knife on the trail is the folding pocketknife.  Another knife to have on hand would be the tactical knife. There are many so choose from you will find one that meets your needs.
When you are going hunting and camping it is a good idea to carry or have on hand a fixed blade knife, very handy to skin your catch or to cut vines out of your way.

Knife depot is a good place to shop for a real good knife.