Getting ready to go camping is a big chore to some people. We make it easy and there are things that you can do to make it easier on you as well.
Using a tent to sleep in does not have to be a big job. Some are very easy to set up and they are even nicer to sleep in. We have a two-room tent with lots of windows that can be closed or open with screens on them. No bugs flying in at night. Camping tents from this one single person to multiple rooms are very pleasurable to take with you.
Camping stoves are another thing that is essential for camping. You can use a simple stove or a more complex cooker, depending on your preference. Make your choice from the Camping gear outlet place.
Everything you need to go camping can be found at their place.
I hope to give everyone more information and helpful hints to have a more enjoyable camping adventure. The information will help both the conventional camper and the horse camper. There is a little humor thrown in and I hope you will come back often to visit. Tell all your family and friends about us.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Friday, June 3, 2011
Camping trip gone down the tubes.
5-in-1 Survival Kit
Let me tell you about our Memorial Day weekend. We were going to go to Muskogee OK to the National Cemetery there for my dad’s grave decoration. We were going to make a three-day weekend out of it and camp in Muskogee. This is how things go for us every now and then.
We got our fifth wheel camper all packed and the truck ready to go. We got the camper hooked up and headed out. We stopped at Wal-Mart for a few extra things that I needed. Bruce went around the back of the camper and then came to me and said “We don’t have a plate on here.” I asked him where it was and he did not know. He thought it was expired and I told him no because I remember getting it renewed.
Well, we turned around and went back home. I unpacked the whole camper and went into the house to “stew a bit”. I sat in my chair and Bruce came in and sat in his and then he got up and went to the TV stand, on top we have some books and things. He picked up the plate and said, “look here”. I could have hit him square in the nose. It was good, it does not expire until next year.
By now it was too late to get all packed up again.
But the whole weekend is not wasted. We got up Sunday and just drove the truck and went around the Grand Lake O the Cherokees for a nice trip. We stopped and took pictures in a couple of places and ate pizza at Disney, OK. We had fun.
This is an example of what happens to us. We just go and not get angry and fight about it. We enjoy each other and make the best of life.
Life is too short to be angry. Find the best that you can out every situation. Enjoy your life. God Bless.
We got our fifth wheel camper all packed and the truck ready to go. We got the camper hooked up and headed out. We stopped at Wal-Mart for a few extra things that I needed. Bruce went around the back of the camper and then came to me and said “We don’t have a plate on here.” I asked him where it was and he did not know. He thought it was expired and I told him no because I remember getting it renewed.
Well, we turned around and went back home. I unpacked the whole camper and went into the house to “stew a bit”. I sat in my chair and Bruce came in and sat in his and then he got up and went to the TV stand, on top we have some books and things. He picked up the plate and said, “look here”. I could have hit him square in the nose. It was good, it does not expire until next year.
By now it was too late to get all packed up again.
But the whole weekend is not wasted. We got up Sunday and just drove the truck and went around the Grand Lake O the Cherokees for a nice trip. We stopped and took pictures in a couple of places and ate pizza at Disney, OK. We had fun.
This is an example of what happens to us. We just go and not get angry and fight about it. We enjoy each other and make the best of life.
Life is too short to be angry. Find the best that you can out every situation. Enjoy your life. God Bless.
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